Thursday 22 August 2013

Lecture 6

Important : Knowledge Repository
  • Contain valuable content that is a mix of tacit and explicit knowledgeB
  • Based on the unique experiences of the individuals who are or were a part of that company
  • Contain the know-how that has been tried, tested, and found to work in work situations.

  •  Factual – terminology, specific details and elements or organisational practice
  • Conceptual – theories, models, principles and generalisation
  • Procedural – skills, algorithms, techniques and methods
  • Meta-cognitive – knowledge about knowledge: learning, thinking, problem-solving 

An effective Knowledge Repository

  • Link between users and core knowledge
  • Operates as a single point of entry
  • Help people find relevant info from various sources 
  • Codify explicit knowledge in a logical manner
  • Direct the user to enabling sources
  • People, organizational units, web sites, policies etc.
  • Vehicle for contributing new knowledge
  • Provide personalised knowledge services

Summary of MBTI - Briggs Personality Type Indicator

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