Thursday 22 August 2013

Lecture 8 & 9

Lecture 8 :
Learning Outcomes~
  • Describe the learning principles that should operate in a knowledge environment .
  • To explain the differences between organisational learning and the learning organisation.
  • Outline the requirements of a comprehensive knowledge development strategy.
  • Identify strategies to help develop social capital.
Lecture 9:

There are a lot of tools to share knowledge which include:

  • Internet/Intranet
    • Share knowledge with knowledge providers across the world
  • Web 2.0 platform

  • Blogs
    • What we doing now~ haha
  • Syndication and RSS Feeds
    • Information from articles and photos repackages for different customer
  • Mashups
    • Allow content from different source to combine with applications for different business process
    • Web pages that can be viewed and modifies by anyone
  • Online Social Network
    • well i think no need explaination ~ FACEBOOK
  • 3D Virtual World
    • Computer simulated worlds where users interact in real time through 'avatars'
  • Groupware Tools
    • Allow to work on same documents by multiple users. eg. Lotus Notes.

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