Monday 19 August 2013

Tutorial 7 and supp midterm.

Tutorial 6
Supp midterm... for all of our member, we get lower marks then midtgerm.... sad...

Tutorial 7
KM organisation culture may support organization in :

  • role model -> to encourage people
  • standard performance -> to evaluate based on the cirteria
  • rewards -> rewards to knowledge contributers
  • provide blueprint -> accepted behavoiur
KM organisation culture may obstruct organization in :
  • withholding knowledge
  • peromote based performance ->the knowledge will be kept secret and not wiling to share among others
Some example of principle :
  • Everyone must respect and trust each other
  • Member must share idea/knowledge
  • Member must not laugh at each other
  • Must be punctual, contribure idea

                                                       Effective knowledge culture

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