Monday 8 July 2013

Nonaka and Takeuchi’s Knowledge Spiral Model involve with four process:

T-T~ Socialization - It is a process that transfer tacit knowledge to tacit knowledge, for example brain storming, mentoring and coaching.

T-E ~ Externalization - A process transfer Tacit Knowledge to Explicit Knowledge, for example interview, written video.

E-E~Combination - A process transfer Explicit Knowledge to Explicit Knowledge, for example convert from text to graph.

E-T~Internalization - A process transfer Explicit Knowledge to Explicit Knowledge, for example decision.

Nonaka and Takeuchi’s Knowledge Spiral Model

This week lecturer ask us to bring color pencil for activity, we go to Mydin bought one but due to too many people didn't bring so lecturer ask us to draw easy icon : MMU logo and Mcdonald logo~

This activity perform externalization stage in externalization.The accuracy of drawing a correct logo depends on what we remember and how often we contact with it. The conclusion is we need a FRAMEWORK when manage knowledge.


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