Monday 24 June 2013

In tutorial two, we learn that KMLC-Knowledge Management Life Cycle is important. It is a process need to be follow. It can help us manage knowledge efficiency and identify tools in each process. Dalkir knowledge management cycle 's key decision point are capture -> sharing -> acquire /applying (*guys~noted that this "Dalkir KM cycle" will have a question in Final Exam and midterm~ haha~)

Now, we learn how to use Dalkir's Integrated KM Life Cycle to learn how to make a cake~

Knowledge capture / creation          ----> Can read recipe from recipe books

Knowledge sharing / dissemination  ----> By demonstrate ,we learn from friends how to make a cake

Acquire/Apply/Update                     ----> We make a cake by ourself !!!

In class, we also learn new knowledge by this life cycle~

Title: How to fold T-shirt fast

Knowledge capture / creation          ----> First, we listen how to fold a T-shirt by word explanation.

                                                          Result : Fail to capture knowledge, we don't know how to fold .  

Knowledge sharing  dissemination    ----> Then,we learn from a video sharing by someone who success to fold before.

Acquire/Apply/Update                     ----> Last , we learn how to fold T-shirt in 2 seconds! Yeah!!

Result of four of us  :   

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