Monday 8 July 2013

Week 5 ~ Knowledge Sharing and Communities of Practice (CoP)


  • exchange knowledge
  • membership: self-selection
  • passionate and have group identification
  • included in CoP as long as the interest lasts
  • share members' concerns
  • learn how to solve or do a particular tasks better
The difference of CoP when compared with others are in terms of
  • enterprise definition (how is it different)
  • it exists over time
for a CoP is function well, it must have:-
  • a common purpose
  • trust
  • sharing instinct
  • collective intelligence
cant remember much after that because some of us were
Please don't misunderstand.We were taking picture of our notes to be uploaded later.. 
While most of us were...
It's 8am class...on a Friday..The odds were stacked against us...

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