Monday 8 July 2013

Week 4~ Lecture 4

Tacit capture in Individual / Group

  • Expert knowledge know-how
  • Expert procedural knowledge
  • Structured knowledge
  • Structured interview (4 techniques)
    • Paraphrasing
    • Clarifying
    • Summarizing
    • Reflecting
Stories (Organizational stories)
Advantages are :-
  • transmit valuable tacit knowledge
  • create sense of belonging 
  • communicate organizational culture
Codification Techniques
  • Cognitive maps
    • represent the mental model of a person's knowledge
  • Decision Trees
  • Knowledge Taxonomy
Oh yeah and we had two lecturers in class that day.. Have a look..
We also had to come to campus in a different attire due to the haze...  
the poorer students wore something like this..

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