Thursday 22 August 2013

Lecture 10

Knowledge management system

  • Enable knowledge capture and exchange
    • Openly, freely, readily
  • Facilitate the acquisition, documentation, transfer, creation and application of knowledge
  • Ensure greater knowledge functionality
    • Maintain a record of all electronic assets
    • Automatically indexing, and categorization
    • Personal customization

Lecture 8 & 9

Lecture 8 :
Learning Outcomes~
  • Describe the learning principles that should operate in a knowledge environment .
  • To explain the differences between organisational learning and the learning organisation.
  • Outline the requirements of a comprehensive knowledge development strategy.
  • Identify strategies to help develop social capital.
Lecture 9:

There are a lot of tools to share knowledge which include:

  • Internet/Intranet
    • Share knowledge with knowledge providers across the world
  • Web 2.0 platform

  • Blogs
    • What we doing now~ haha
  • Syndication and RSS Feeds
    • Information from articles and photos repackages for different customer
  • Mashups
    • Allow content from different source to combine with applications for different business process
    • Web pages that can be viewed and modifies by anyone
  • Online Social Network
    • well i think no need explaination ~ FACEBOOK
  • 3D Virtual World
    • Computer simulated worlds where users interact in real time through 'avatars'
  • Groupware Tools
    • Allow to work on same documents by multiple users. eg. Lotus Notes.

Lecture 7

Today we watch a video about organisation culture in Microsoft from Jessica Gertz. Here is the video:

Knowledge Culture Enabler:

  • Organisation need to have a range of strategies to ensure the essential values in KM are follows
  • Influences that contribute to the creation of an effective and positive knowledge community
  • Operate over several levels in an organisation
         Knowledge Culture Enabler is important because:

  •           KM ~> value-driven process
    •         Shared knowledge, collaboration & trust
    •   Long-term integrated approach.
  •           People are more important than systems
    •         People’s mind is the greatest asset.
  •           Public encouragement of knowledge sharing vs. self-interest.
  •           Advocacy and support for good knowledge practice to be clearly showed.
           Since we have knowledge enabler, sure we have knowledge barrier

          Effective Knowledge Culture

Lecture 6

Important : Knowledge Repository
  • Contain valuable content that is a mix of tacit and explicit knowledgeB
  • Based on the unique experiences of the individuals who are or were a part of that company
  • Contain the know-how that has been tried, tested, and found to work in work situations.

  •  Factual – terminology, specific details and elements or organisational practice
  • Conceptual – theories, models, principles and generalisation
  • Procedural – skills, algorithms, techniques and methods
  • Meta-cognitive – knowledge about knowledge: learning, thinking, problem-solving 

An effective Knowledge Repository

  • Link between users and core knowledge
  • Operates as a single point of entry
  • Help people find relevant info from various sources 
  • Codify explicit knowledge in a logical manner
  • Direct the user to enabling sources
  • People, organizational units, web sites, policies etc.
  • Vehicle for contributing new knowledge
  • Provide personalised knowledge services

Summary of MBTI - Briggs Personality Type Indicator

Monday 19 August 2013


Tutorial 8 and 9

Erm..well , lets enter the main topic...

Well, this week we had 2 tutorials combine in one weeks...

Tut 8 -> Not important

Tut 9 ->
The difference between wiki and groupware


  • Web page -> able viewed and modified by anyone
  • Allow create and change content
  • Place power and freedom in hands of user -> rather than expert
  • Works in progress on virtual 'white board'
  • Can place agendas and minutes
  • Open to manipulation and vandalism
  • Time consuming on maintenance
  • Example:
  • Allow work on the same document by multiple users
  • Maintain and update on numerous PCs
  • Organizing discussion
  • Storing information
  • Move and track the documents of groups
  • Prevent unauthorized access of data
  • Mobile use to access corporate network 
  • Example:

Tutorial 7 and supp midterm.

Tutorial 6
Supp midterm... for all of our member, we get lower marks then midtgerm.... sad...

Tutorial 7
KM organisation culture may support organization in :

  • role model -> to encourage people
  • standard performance -> to evaluate based on the cirteria
  • rewards -> rewards to knowledge contributers
  • provide blueprint -> accepted behavoiur
KM organisation culture may obstruct organization in :
  • withholding knowledge
  • peromote based performance ->the knowledge will be kept secret and not wiling to share among others
Some example of principle :
  • Everyone must respect and trust each other
  • Member must share idea/knowledge
  • Member must not laugh at each other
  • Must be punctual, contribure idea

                                                       Effective knowledge culture