Monday 17 June 2013

In overview if knowledge management, there are 5 perspective which are data , information , knowledge , wisdom and truth. We are concentrate in data , information and knowledge part only. In tutorial , we learn that data, information and knowledge has different meaning to different people. For example, as an IT field students, a visit to arts and painting exhibition is no meaningful for them , so it can only be data. However, if it is for a junior artist, it will be a valuable knowledge for them.

Tacit knowledge is different with Explicit knowledge. Tacit knowledge is unstructured , subjective and it is an experience. Everyone has different tacit knowledge. For example, in lecture 1, lecturer ask us to draw a flower, but everyone comes out a different type of flower, some with one leaf, some with two leaves,without leaf, five pedals , six pedals , some draw roses and etc. Explicit knowledge is vice-versa, it is objective , witten, can kept for a reference . It is fixed, for example a rules in a games.

Last, we learn that knowledge management, content management and information management are similar but difference.Content management is providing the structured content or materials for user. For example MMLS in MMU. Information  management is providing all specific information such as rules that are fixed. Example is FIST website in MMU.

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