Monday 17 June 2013

Lecture 2 Knowledge Management Life Cycle

Lecture 2   Knowledge Management Life Cycle

Life cycle:
                  -    to show a continuous development activity (draw own life cycle – routine)
-          SDLC
KM Life-Cycle major phase:  -     creation
-          Capture
-          Codify (translate)
-          Share
-          Accessing
-          Apply
-          Reuse
*Codification is the same as refine.
*Shareis the same as disseminate.
*no standard life-cycle, which is applicable to an company and its background.

1.      Zack and Meyer KM Life-Cycle
-          Derived from design & development of information products
-          Info is sold to customers
o   Acquisition
o   Refinement/codification
o   Refining/standizing
o   Storage/retrieval
o   Distribution
o   Presentation/usage
     Bukowitz& William KM Life-Cycle
-          Get
-          Use
-          Learn
-          Contribute
-          Access
-          Build & sustain
-          Divest
·         More comprehensive compares to the previous Life-Cycle

      McElroy KM Life-Cycle
-          Focuses on:-
o   Knowledge production
o   Knowledge integration
-          Places more importance on feedbacks of problem/solution
-          More comprehensive tran previous methods
·         Strength: - clear description of knowledge evaluation

4.      Wiig KM Life-Cycle
   Build -> hold -> pool -> use the knowledge
-          Popular life cycle because able to cycle back & repeat functions
-          Used by companies with knowledge workers
·         Advantage: - detailed & clear descriptions
-   Most comprehensive
·         All the life cycle have basically same steps but with variation depending on needs of job (background: IT different life cycle compared with human resource)
    Dalkir’s Life-Cycle   (integrated KM Life-Cycle)
-          Check on extra notes from E-Book

              Knowledge owner  ->   knowledge seeker

this is the for the formal part of the day... some of the actual scenes in class... what our lecturer and students were doing in class during the last friday lecture

what the students learnt during the lecture (apart from the lecture slides):

  • how to use the Ipad's camera function
      •  (some has yet to master this technique as they cant use the zoom function and still need to stand up or walk to the front of the class to take the pic of the notes instead of copying it manually like all normal students.)
  •  how to comb their expansively maintained hair with their bare fingers
      • some (boys and girls alike) has yet realize that other students  do not bother on how their  hair looks during lecture hours  (except for the poor guy sitting behind you whose view you were blocking).
More rants on future posts...make sure to tune in for more..  bye for now..Godspeed..

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